In tough economic times like these, it’s tempting to latch on to the latest new idea, tool, or method in an attempt to increase your business or bring your volume back to your previous levels. But Steve Powell, a Growth & Leadership Coach here at Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group, says that’s often a bad idea.
As Steve tells us, it’s better to rely on a proven technique that you have vetted, and power through it– don’t be distracted by the latest shiny object. Loan officers and agents often jump right from idea to action without letting the thought sit and develop a bit more so it can become an effective behavior. Humans often do not think enough before acting, as millions of YouTube accident videos will show. Steve recommends taking time before your week begins, maybe a Sunday evening, to sit down for no more than an hour and plan out your week. Think about how the interactions with your clients or customers might go, and just think… get your mind “set” about the best ways to approach each scenario.
Lending Forward is a weekly podcast hosted by Taylor Ellard and powered by Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group. We bring you raw stories from real people in the mortgage industry. We're covering what's next in lending, forward-thinking, and reflecting on lessons learned from Mortgage Bankers, Realtors, Financial Advisors, Coaches, and more! How are you lending it forward?
Founded in 1996, Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group® is a privately owned mortgage lender headquartered in Virginia Beach, Va. Atlantic Bay has been recognized as a Top 100 Mortgage Company in America, Best Mortgage Company, Most Enjoyable Place to Work, and an Inc. 500 Fastest Growing Company.
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